I have some questions
Is it just allergies? If I voted for in-person school does that mean I hate teachers? But how did he get it? Are we following proper “pod” rules? Is forming a “pod” obnoxious? Did the neighbors see us having drinks with friends? Did that guy see me talking to my neighbor from less than six feet away as he drove by? Was that a judgy glare? Or just glare from the sun on his windshield that made his face look like that?
Why can’t I finish this email? Why is breathing such a loud activity? Why does she keep saying, “Mommy?” Where is Daddy? Where. Is. Daddy?
Is this vaccine news promising? Why’d that doctor say, “we are still a long ways off?” Can scientists get more press? Can educators get more support? Could I have gotten it from that public bathroom though?
Why aren’t there ads about proper mask wearing? About mask wearing at all? How righteous do you feel when you refuse to wear one? More righteous than I feel following the rules? What day is it?
Wait, what’s the pollen count today? Could that be why you’re congested? Did you find a place to get a test? Did you get your results? How are you still waiting? Did you do your research before you went? Can I go? Does it hurt? Why isn’t this easier?
But how will they work if there’s no childcare?
How many to-go cocktails can I realistically order per week to keep my favorite bar afloat? How many at-home cocktails can I realistically make in the name of “getting through this thing,” before it’s considered problem-drinking?
Is the Zoom link not working? Did you forget the password again? Does my stomach hurt because I’m nervous? Is there any hope? Can you smell? Can you taste that? Are you stress eating? Did you fill out the survey? Is camp safe? Are you guys ok with outside stuff? Can you come over immediately?
But where did she get it? Did she go inside too many places on one day and spend too long? Was she trying to "support local businesses?"
Did you see there’s a rally? Am I doing this right? Should I post that? Am I saying the right things while staying safe and keeping others safe and making change?
Do you still have a sore throat? Do you think you should stay home? Am I being ridiculous? Is this real life?
Is this real life? More tests "create more cases"? We are “doing really well”? Now you wear a mask?
Is 2020 over yet?
Are you ok with the kids sharing a snack? Did you wash your hands? Did you read that article?
It’s fine, right? Is there any way to know? Isn’t this impossible?
Just allergies? Are you sure? Is it Thursday? Does it even matter? Do you have a few minutes to chat? Aren’t we lucky, all things considered? Isn’t it nice to have more time on our hands? Won't this be crazy to look back on someday? Don't you wish that was now?