Marathon update part one (looking back...)

A few months ago I began updating friends and family about my marathon training and fundraising via email, and it has occurred to me that collecting those emails here on my blog would be a fun way to remember the debilitat - um, the magic. 

So here's the first email I wrote back in May, when I was just a naive young thing. 

May 20, 2016

Well, I've begun...I guess you could call this the pre-pre part of my training for the NYC Marathon on November 6, which will begin for real with an 18-week program starting in July. 

This is the part where I'm still able to wake up on a morning when I've planned a run, and, feeling not quite up to it, decide that drinking coffee in bed would be a far superior thing to do. It is pretty great, but on the early mornings I do nudge myself into my sneakers and out the door, I never regret it. 

Right now I'm just trying to get running back into my routine; I'm hoping to begin marathon training with a solid 15 miles or more per week and that's not exactly where I am right now. You could call where I am right now something like: runs-whevever-she-feels-like-it-and-often-to-get-out-of-the-house-away-from-loud-children. But you've gotta start somewhere, right?

As many of you know, I'm running this marathon as a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. I'm still working on getting the $3,200 mininum I need to qualify for guaranteed entry to the race. Thanks so much to those of you who have donated already! Your generosity has gotten me off to a great start. 

If you haven't donated yet, and can manage even a small amount towards my goal, I'd be incredibly appreciative! Click here to link to my personal fundraising page where you can do just that!

Beyond the most important reason - supporting the ACS and the incredible, life-changing work they do for people with cancer - you're helping me a marathon! Which, insane as it might be, is a personal goal of mine this year. 

I'll be sending out just one email a month to ask for donations. So this is it for May, I promise!

And here's one last thought: 

One of the reasons I like running so much is that it's a great time to think. Because I'm running this race for the ACS, and in memory of my Uncle Jimmy, I think about him a lot during my runs, and about his family, my amazing cousin Meredith and her amazing mom, my Aunt Jan. 

When I think about them, it sincerely brings an extra bounce to my step. I have to be careful when this happens, because I am exceedingly clumsy and have fallen down during runs due to nothing more than, say, a small chip of asphalt that gets underfoot. 

But running for my Uncle Jimmy really does makes me happy, and brings so much meaning to this whole thing. This is important, because, 26 miles is...far. 

Inconcievably, though, I can't wait.