This is how this is going to go

You can file this post under "self-important nonsense," although, if you really love me, maybe you'll find it useful. A while back I wrote a blog post about how I was all in a tizzy about the Internet and and writing online. I was very upset. Ok. Sort of upset. I had a lot of free time on my hands, let's put it that way.

I got over that feeling, for a variety of reasons, and now think that the Internet is a great place to showcase one's writing, keep in touch with friends and communicate in general. I like it. That does not mean I think that playing with your iPhone for hours on end is cool, however. Ahem.

But I still feel a little disorganized, and because I'm at a point in my life where getting organized has become even more important and helpful than it once was, I'm going to make a concerted effort to get organized in the small amount of space I occupy on the web. I think this will make it easier for me to be more prolific (see how I told you this was gonna be real self-important?) and creative.

So. Here, at caramcduna, I'll be doing the same kind of writing I always have. Personal. Pondering. Whatever the hell I want, basically.

When I write posts for the Motherland blog on the New Haven Advocate site, I'll include some personal stories if they pertain to motherhood, parenting or women's issues, but I'll also be featuring news stories on the same topics, as well as local events. But let's face it, I might do whatever I want over there sometimes, too.

When I want to incite the general public with controversial or thought-provoking issues, I'll write something for The Huffington Post. Ha! Man. I better stop all this explaining before I start handing out Pulitzers. To myself, that is.

I don't know what I'm going to do with pictures yet. I've enjoyed including those on this blog, but then again, there are better outlets for storing and organizing pictures. So we'll have to see.

Well, hope you guys feel better now. I know I do. Time to curl up and watch a movie, after all that organization and whatnot? Yes? Can I get a "that's RIGHT"?