This morning J and I spent a little time working together in a coffee shop we've grown to like a lot. For J, working was analyzing a huge screen of complicated numbers, and for me, it was chatting with friends online. Which could totally lead to employment, who knows, right? Leave me alone. We like this coffee shop because it's low key and comfortable and there's always somewhere to sit. They have free wireless and don't mind if you hang out for a few hours. An added bonus is that they play music that would make you swear you're back in middle school. And I'm pretty sure they're not doing it to be ironic. "Here Comes the Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze. "Kiss From a Rose" by Seal.
This morning's no exception and we were lucky enough to catch "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips and, of course, I thought about my very favorite memory of that song, and other memories that are warming my heart on this cold morning. My old bedroom, diaries and horseback riding. The best friends I've ever had (and am lucky enough to have, still). New notebooks bought at summer's end and dinner with my family every night. Not being too cool for the pop music station - listening to commercial radio at all - and school dances and passed notes. Frosty mornings in carpool, listening to morning show DJs debate pressing issues, occasional stops at McDonald's for cinnamon rolls and always, always being late for school.