Homeward bound, part three

Leaving California and beginning our trek east means we are on the way home. We still have many miles to go and lots to see and it won't, by any means, be a short trip, but psychologically, it's comforting. I feel like I need to defend myself when I say I'm excited about going home - remind whoever I'm talking to that this has been the best vacation and I'll never forget it - but I guess it's somewhat understandable. We're living out of a suitcase and, I mean, it's getting to be the Christmas season and we're ready to relax at home (even considering the obvious fact that we don't, technically, have a place to to live - a house of our own - just yet).

We're having the time of our lives, too, but my mom always says that the sign of a good vacation is that you're ready to go home. We're definitely geared up to make the most of this last part, however, so that when we do make it back to our family and friends we'll have good stories to tell. And so, so much laundry to do.