But I still want the answer to "Do I look fat?" to be "No"
I seem to be over the unending fatigue that was haunting me ever since I got back from Hawaii. Fatigue especially frustrating as my only excuse for wanting to sleep all the time was, "Listen, I just got back from Hawaii, a beautiful island where I sat on the beach and read magazines a lot and I'm really tired, Jesus, give me a break." Back to my normal, sometimes equally frustrating sleeping habits, I woke up at 7 a.m. this Saturday morning, and instead of jumping right out of bed and, I don't know, getting some work done or something totally uncalled for like that, I decided to watch a little of the weekend edition of "The Today Show" and caught a segment they were doing on the many weddings taking place all over the country today due, in part, to couples wanting to take advantage of the the lucky date - 7/7/07.
J and I didn't go for anything superstitious in our wedding ceremony besides my wearing the typical something old, new, borrowed and blue routine (because you have to do that, right? that's the law?) but I was happy to be reminded just the other morning how little luck matters when you've got as comfortable a relationship as we do. I was dropping J off at work and when we arrived, as usual, he leaned over to kiss me goodbye, then promptly spat, groaned and yelled, "Oh. What IS that?!" and then spat again. I'd discovered some lip balm I hadn't used in a while as I was cleaning out one of my bags that morning and I guess the taste didn't fly with my husband.
As I sat there just looking at him regain his composure my first thought was how glaringly evident it was at that very moment that we're over the whole trying to protect each other from our real feelings thing. And I thought about how his reaction would have affected me years earlier in our relationship. It might have necessitated hours of analysis. But now, only a second of reflection before I laughed at him and told him to go, and I can only wish the same kind of love for the many couples getting married today. I mean, I think spitting after kissing someone pretty well defines the true meaning of brute honesty and really, what more can you ask for?